Saturday, January 29, 2011

Learn Something New Every Day!

There were a lot of good practices in our culture that we have now forgotten.  But that's because, in today's world, those practices aren't even relevant.  Then again, we have not developed that many new worthy practices either.  Well, if you feel the same way, then here is one you could try:

Yes, its just another website.  But wait, let me explain.  This website has a lot interesting articles which are both short and informative.  These articles are about the concepts behind a lot of what we use or experience in our real life.  For example,

  • how is the cost of petrol determined or
  • what's the difference between a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine.
It can even be about something more basic like
  • why is it not possible to manufacture water or
  • how does a hurricane work.
It can sometimes even be fun like
  • what would happen if everyone in US flushed their toilets at the same time or
  • what would happen if you never took a bath.
But no, its not a fictional take on that scenario, its a factual look at the concepts behind it.  There are new articles posted all the time and there is a huge archive of such articles.  Its also damn easy to find an article that interests you.  Just cycle through or refresh the four articles in the main page.  Or, you could try the Random Zone, where you can click a button to get random facts, quotes and articles.

My suggestion is, visit the site once every day.  Find one article that interests you.  Read one article every day!