Friday, May 15, 2009

She’s Alive!

After months of hassle, I’ve finally managed to get my old rig back in shape. I do find it hard to call it old because, I’ve replaced the motherboard, the hard disk, the data cable and even bought a new RAM for the wretched thing. Then again, new doesn’t necessarily mean better as most of the changes are only replacements, not upgrades, except for the hard disk which has increased in size from 120 GB to 250 GB. But sadly though, the operating system in the old rig, remains the same, which brings me to my point.

Earlier, I made a post about my experiences with Ubuntu, where I said that the Linux gave me a lot of errors & crashed in less than a week. Back then, I had only changed the motherboard and the hard disk which I thought were the only affected parts in the system. After which, I installed Ubuntu and had a very tough time with it. Then, I moved back to Windows and again, had a tough time with it. The same problems namely freezing screen and errors and OS crash returned. It is then I realized that the problem was not with Ubuntu but with my hardware.

It was hard for me to figure out which component was affected because the computer did run well for some time. The errors & screen freezes happened randomly after 5 minutes or a couple of hours of usage. So, after changing a part, I had to test it for a day to make sure that it was working. After weeks of testing by inter-changing parts between my two computers, I found the rest of the problem. They were the data cable and the RAM. How so many components in a computer got affected at the same time is beyond me, though I could make a guess. It was probably because of the daily voltage fluctuations here at my place. Anyway, we have a UPS for that system now, so, no worries.

The reason for me writing this post is to confess that the operating system Ubuntu is indeed user friendly and not as erroneous as I claimed it was in my earlier post. In fact, Ubuntu is a brilliant operating system which symbolizes so much more than just another software. True to his comments in that post, Bharath did try Ubuntu in his laptop and hopefully, he might post his experiences soon in his blog. The next time I’m made to format my C Drive, I promise to give Ubuntu a fair try and post my experiences in this blog. For now, as the old Frankenstein exclaimed, ‘She’s Alive!’

1 comment:

  1. Ubuntu is quite fine in the laptop i installed. My bro is not giving up on the laptop and he is using it quite often leaving aside the desktop pc i have :-/
    Ubuntu surely gets a 9/10 for looks and for userfriendliness 8/10 for the GUI and for the learning process that we have to undergo to exploits ubuntu, I need to learn a lot


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